It takes a village...here at Delmarva Discovery Museum, it takes a team of volunteers
Volunteers are a group of passionate, dedicated individuals that strive to improve every aspect of the museum. We are so grateful for their hard work. We understand that each of our volunteers is unique in both their talents and goals. We appreciate all of our volunteers, and work with them to ensure their time here is enjoyable and productive!
The Delmarva Discovery Museum has volunteer opportunities:
- Retail
- Guest interaction
- Educational programs
- Special events
- Gardening
Please contact us if you would be willing to donate your time and become a part of our team!
Fill out an online volunteer application - https://delmarvadiscoverycenter.dm.networkforgood.com/forms/volunteer-in...
Student Service Hours - students need to fill out application and complete release form - Rescue Waiver form (jotform.com)